Friday, July 1, 2011

Not starting over, just continuing on.

Well, the 30 day challenge is officially over.  I have weighed in, re-tested Jackie, and eaten a burger.  I'm just kidding about the burger.  Here is what I actually had for lunch.

Yep, the good old standby: MDA's Big Ass Salad.

So, the results.  I'll start off by saying that I felt discouraged initially.  But after talking to my good friend Diane and reading this, I've decided to make a list of 10 reasons why the 30 day challenge was awesome and beneficial for me.

1. I lost 10.5 pounds (according to the CFI scale).  I was hoping for more, but again, reading this helps.
2. I dropped 40 seconds off of my Jackie time.  Again, I was hoping for more, but I know that I pushed myself to my limits, and that's all I can ask for.
3. I started this blog, which has been a cool way to journal what I've been eating and doing.  People swear they're reading it, but I'm not so sure ;)
4. I went to crossfit 5 days a week for 5 weeks straight, with no exceptions.
5. Going to crossfit so much more has given me the opportunity to get to know some of my fellow crossfitters really well.  CFI feels more like a family than a gym.
6. I moved down in pull up bands: from green to blue.
7. I am no longer allowed to scale push ups - now I have to do them the "big girl" way.
8. I've "gotten to know" several different paleo bloggers.  There are so many strong and healthy crossfitting women out there, and I find them incredibly inspiring.
9. I've become more experimental in the kitchen, and have tried recipes I would have otherwise passed up.
10. I feel stronger and healthier, and I'm proud of myself for working so hard.

I guess the plan for the future is to keep doing the same thing I've been doing for the last 5 weeks.  I'm hoping for some more substantial results in the coming months, but the most important part is that I'm healthy and happy and feeling good.

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