Friday, June 17, 2011

Friday Funday.

In college my water polo coach would always come up with an awful workout for us on Fridays, and he'd call it Friday Funday.  Well, I'm certainly not in college anymore, but I did do an awful workout today: Fight Gone Bad.  It was a good way to wrap up a tough week at crossfit, I'm glad I did it (and RX'd it!).  After cleaning myself (and my house) up, I finally got around to lunch:

I call this lovely meal: Crap I Pulled Out of the Fridge.  We're basically out of food, which means two things: 1. I've done a good job of cooking every day this week, and using what we had on hand, and 2. I have to go to the store soon.  Before I run to the store, I thought I'd show y'all (hi Robert!) what I drink when water is too boring:

Good old sun tea, just like Mom used to make.  And one more fun picture:

I finally broke down and replaced Oreo's favorite toy.  The pink fish lived a good life (like those before him), but it was time to say goodbye.  Fortunately, Oreo was thrilled with her new fish friend and started removing feathers right away.  Aren't kitties fun?

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