Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Foodz, day 21.

I don't know what's wrong with me, but I've been feeling uninspired when it comes to cooking lately.  Good thing I have a lunch date AND a dinner date for tomorrow.  I'm not cooking again till Thursday!  This is what I came up with for lunch: a carne asada, egg and tomato scramble with a side of avocado.  

After gymnastics day at crossfit I was feeling even more uninspired about dinner, but then I remembered that I had an early birthday present waiting at home!

Isn't she pretty?
I've been wanting a food processor for a LONG time, and my dreams have finally come true.  I was determined to hold out until our wedding to have one, but who am I to turn down an early birthday present?  With this lovely tool and a head of cauliflower, I made rice.

I cooked up some chicken and steamed a few veggies to go along with it, and dinner was had:


  1. That looks good! How did it taste?

  2. It was good! For such an easy meal, it has a pretty big payout :)
