If you're my Facebook friend you know I was at the CrossFit Games all day today. It was incredible. The athletes are superhuman - they can carry ridiculously heavy sandbags and walk on their hands and climb ropes. They are chiseled human specimens, I've never seen so many abs in my life! But this isn't why I love CrossFit, or why I had such a great day at the games.
A CrossFit competition is unlike anything I've ever experienced. At a CrossFit competition, athletes cheer on other athletes - their competition - coaching them through heavy lifts, encouraging them to pick up the bar. At a CrossFit competition everyone in the stands shouts encouragements to athletes who are struggling. Only at a CrossFit competition will you find that the LAST athlete to finish the event has everyone up on their feet cheering them on - much louder than anyone cheered for the first place finisher.
Being a CrossFit athlete brings us all together. Everyone at the Home Depot Center understood what it feels like to fail at a lift, and what it feels like to accomplish what seemed impossible. The crowd wanted so badly for those athletes who were struggling to finish the WOD, to complete the lift, to climb the rope. As CrossFitters we all cheer each other on, push each other, challenge each other, and it makes us all better. CrossFit truly is a community, and I'm proud to be a member.
I'm also EXTREMELY proud to say that I have met my blogger idol! Liz from CaveGirlEats was at the games, and was kind enough to pose for a picture with me!
It was a great day, I can't wait for tomorrow - I'm going to be staring at every 135# asian man on the lookout for Fitbomb. That's not creepy, right?
No, that's not creepy. :)